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Seed Of Hope – Child & Youth Development

Seed of Hope – Child & Youth Development

Our child and youth development programs have local students attending from Grade R to Grade 12, which increases our level of impact with the average student spending between 6 to 12 years in this department.

Simunye Program
Non-profit organisation - Child and Youth program

This is our after-school, onsite program for primary school aged children. We have between 120-140 Grade R-7 students attend on a daily basis (Monday-Friday).

Our Simunye program strives to equip students to think critically, excel academically and use their creativity and imagination while applying what they have learnt through informed decisions. SOH partners closely with parents and school teachers in the lives of our students.

Simunye hopes to instil foundations of good character and academic excellence in each child in our program. Students are introduced to the Bible and the values that we can learn from it. To enhance the level of academic instruction the children receive in local schools, Seed of Hope teaches academic subjects like Math and English and reading through a fun and interactive curriculum as a way of inspiring the children to enjoy learning and to help tutor them where they may be behind at school. Health and Nutrition and life skills cover all subjects from: hygiene and the importance of brushing your teeth to HIV, sex and drugs. All of these subjects are discussed in a safe and open way that contains age appropriate content. Students also enjoy creative sessions like art and drama and learn different sporting activities to help increase their team building, innovation and problem solving skills.

Our Grade 6-7 students also participate in weekly skills development programs to help expose them to alternative ways of learning. These include: sewing, farming, computers and baking and entrepreneurship.

Parents of our students receive regular communication regarding their child’s progress and are invited to termly meetings and events. These meetings include parenting workshops that will help equip them in their personal role in the child’s development.

Many parents and guardians have reported improvement in their child’s academics and behaviour since attending our program. We have also seen more parents empowered in their role in their child’s development.

Please pray for our Simunye program and our staff team that work with the students. Next month we will share more about another section of our Child and Youth Development programs: Abaholi Bakusasa (Tomorrow’s Leaders).

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